Saturday, November 22, 2008

Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress Reading Questions(4)

P. 61-79
22. What task does Four-Eyes’ mother set forth for him to complete in order to get off the mountain? How and why does he hail at this task?
Four Eyes’ mother has a friend who is the editor in chief of a journal devoted to revolutionary literature, so his mother asks him to collect folk songs by recording them down. If he completes this task then he can maybe work for the journal. He fails at this task because the old miller offers him “Jade dumplings with miller sauce” but he refuses. As a result, the old miller gets angry and does not sing anymore.
23. How do Luo and the narrator appear to the old miller on Tounsand-Metre-Cliff? What do they change about themselves and why? Does this work on the old miller?
They disguise themselves as communist party officers speak Mandarin not their own dialect. They say to the old miller that they are publishing an official government journal and it is his duty to sing folk songs for the journal.
24. What actions do Luo and the narrator take that Four-Eyes did not in order to gain the old man’s trust and songs?
They eat the “Jade dumpling with miller sauce”
25. Four Eyes’ mother suggests that he find “sincere, authentic folk songs full of romantic realism”(64). What types of songs is she asking for him to find? Can you provide an example of a modern day song that is full of romantic realism? What types of songs does the miller give Luo and the narrator? How would you classify the songs?
She wants the songs that are historical and cultural. Also, the songs have to be touching, serious, emotional and romantic. One example of a modern day song that is full of romantic realism is “Gotta Go my Own Way” from “High School Musical”. The female singer sings about wanting to break up with her boyfriend to pursue her dreams. The Miller’s songs are humorous or as Four Eyes calls it “Smutty rhymes”.
26. Four-Eyes asks the boys the central questions of the text. He exclaims, “What is it with you two, always going for stuff that is forbidden?”(77) Why do Luo and the narrator continue to hunt for the forbidden? Are they smart, dumb, lucky or unaware of their actions and the consequences?
Luo and the narrator continue to hunt for the forbidden because they want to learn more and they do not want to limit themselves. This is because they are at a coming of age. I do not thinkg that they are dumb. I think that they have a passionate thirst for knowledge. They are aware of their actions and consequences but because of their youth and their passion, they are fearless.
27. Why does the narrator fight Four-Eyes? What is he defending and is he justified?
Four Eyes is angry at them and threatens them. Four-Eyes also does not want to give them many books. Four-Eyes in the end, changes the songs lyrics, “Tell me, little bourgeois lice, what do they fear? They fear the boiling wave of the proletariat.” This causes the narrator get angry so he fight Four-Eyes. I think he is not justified because he could not master his anger but fight Four Eyes.

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