Saturday, November 22, 2008

Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress Reading Questions(4)

P. 61-79
22. What task does Four-Eyes’ mother set forth for him to complete in order to get off the mountain? How and why does he hail at this task?
Four Eyes’ mother has a friend who is the editor in chief of a journal devoted to revolutionary literature, so his mother asks him to collect folk songs by recording them down. If he completes this task then he can maybe work for the journal. He fails at this task because the old miller offers him “Jade dumplings with miller sauce” but he refuses. As a result, the old miller gets angry and does not sing anymore.
23. How do Luo and the narrator appear to the old miller on Tounsand-Metre-Cliff? What do they change about themselves and why? Does this work on the old miller?
They disguise themselves as communist party officers speak Mandarin not their own dialect. They say to the old miller that they are publishing an official government journal and it is his duty to sing folk songs for the journal.
24. What actions do Luo and the narrator take that Four-Eyes did not in order to gain the old man’s trust and songs?
They eat the “Jade dumpling with miller sauce”
25. Four Eyes’ mother suggests that he find “sincere, authentic folk songs full of romantic realism”(64). What types of songs is she asking for him to find? Can you provide an example of a modern day song that is full of romantic realism? What types of songs does the miller give Luo and the narrator? How would you classify the songs?
She wants the songs that are historical and cultural. Also, the songs have to be touching, serious, emotional and romantic. One example of a modern day song that is full of romantic realism is “Gotta Go my Own Way” from “High School Musical”. The female singer sings about wanting to break up with her boyfriend to pursue her dreams. The Miller’s songs are humorous or as Four Eyes calls it “Smutty rhymes”.
26. Four-Eyes asks the boys the central questions of the text. He exclaims, “What is it with you two, always going for stuff that is forbidden?”(77) Why do Luo and the narrator continue to hunt for the forbidden? Are they smart, dumb, lucky or unaware of their actions and the consequences?
Luo and the narrator continue to hunt for the forbidden because they want to learn more and they do not want to limit themselves. This is because they are at a coming of age. I do not thinkg that they are dumb. I think that they have a passionate thirst for knowledge. They are aware of their actions and consequences but because of their youth and their passion, they are fearless.
27. Why does the narrator fight Four-Eyes? What is he defending and is he justified?
Four Eyes is angry at them and threatens them. Four-Eyes also does not want to give them many books. Four-Eyes in the end, changes the songs lyrics, “Tell me, little bourgeois lice, what do they fear? They fear the boiling wave of the proletariat.” This causes the narrator get angry so he fight Four-Eyes. I think he is not justified because he could not master his anger but fight Four Eyes.

Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress Reading Questions(8)

50. What news does the Little Seamstress tell the narrator? What are the conflicts that arise with this news for her and Luo? What does the narrator offer to do? Analyze the law and the cultural mores that cause the situation to be unresolvable.
The Little Seamstress tells to the narrator that she had missed two periods. So her father would kill Luo when he finds out this problem because he is responsible for it. The narrator offers to find that if she can get help from the gynecology department at the hospital in Yong Jing and the narrator goes there. There were laws that they could not go ahead and have the child before marrying, and the law prohibited abortion. So, these laws make the Little Seamstress’s problem not to be solved.
51. What does the narrator state would be his parents’ opinion of the situation with the Little Seamstress? Why is this a crime that transcends the Cultural Revolution?
The narrator states that his parents would throw them at once without giving him a chance to explain the situation. It is a crime that transcends the Cultural Revolution because the situation like this is not acceptable at that time and people could not understand it.
52. Why does the narrator think that the preacher who banned from his faith would be a good accomplice in trying to help the Little Seamstress? How does the preacher stick to his beliefs even at his dying words?
The narrator might think that the preacher could understand the situation. The preacher sticks to his beliefs even at his dying words by saying his final prayer in Latin.53. How does the narrator convince the doctor to perform the abortion for the Little Seamstress?
He promises to the doctor that he would give him a book by Balzac. And he shows the doctor his sheepskin jacket which the scripts from Balzac were written when the doctor could not believe him since the narrator lied once.
54. In the final chapter, the narrator recounts the warning signs that the Little Seamstress exhibited before leaving the mountain. List her physical changes. Also, what does Luo think about her physical transformation and his role in this?
The little Seamstress made herself a brassiere. Luo thought that she is to be like a city girl. And she reformed the jacket which the narrator wore once when he went to the old miller. She had taken the seams in and shorten it to make it look more like a woman’s garment, but had kept the four pockets and little stand-up color. Also, she asked her father to buy her a pair of white tennis shoes at the store in Yong Jing. Luo was delighted with her transformation, although he was as surprised as the narrator.
55. Why does the narrator suggest that he is upset by the Little Seamstress’ leaving? Why else could he be upset?
The narrator was upset by the Little Seamstress’ leaving because he liked her a lot. Besides, I think that he was upset because of the fact that he was merely an onlooker.
56. The book ends with the statement by Luo that the Little Seamstress “wants’ go to the city…she said she had learnt one thing from Balzac: that a woman’s beauty is a treasure beyond price”(184). What does she mean by this statement? How does the Little Seamstress’ reeducation by the boys backfire?
I think she means that she had learnt such a great thing and she wanted to find the treasure of woman in the city. The Little Seamstress was reeducated by the boys. She learns about western society and culture through the western literature. And this kind of learning leads her to leave the village to go to the city. She has a desire to see the world widely and deeply.
57. Look back to the beginning of the last chapter and the actions being performed by Luo and the narrator. Why are they burning the books and lamenting through the narrator’s music? What is this a purging of for the boys?
The boys burn the books because the books lead the Little Seamstress to leave influencing her strongly. So they might not want to read those books anymore. Also, they used to read books to her so they do not want to keep the books because they would remind her when they read the books. And they want to erase their memories about the Little Seamstress by burning books.
58. Did Luo and the narrator become reeducated? Did the goals of the Cultural Revolution works?
I think they are reeducated because they learned a lot of things through reeducation. They at least learned the life in the village and became to know how to work at the village. By these points, I think the goals of the Cultural Revolution worked.

Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress Reading Questions(7)

p. 131-157
46. Why does the narrator say, “I had turned into a sadist—an out and out sadist”(134)? Do you agree with his label?
The narrator says that quotes because he feels pleasure by inflicting pain to the village headman. I agree with his label because he can feel that happiness through the pain of village headman who bothers him and Luo since they came to the village.
47. On p. 135-146, we are given 3 separate accounts of the same after noon. For each of the stories, analyze the significance of what they drew from that afternoon. The old Miller: What does he realize in seeing Luo and the Little seamstress by the lake? Luo: What does Luo see in the actions of the Little Seamstress and his own fate?
The old Miller felt ashamed because he was so keenly aware of being an old man whose body was limp where it was not bony. And Luo see that the Little Seamstress is the only person in the world who still believes that Luo would need his keys again some day when he releases from re-education. Luo and the Little Seamstress like to play the key ring game each time they when to the secluded mountain pool. According to the Little Seamstress she just love pleasing Luo, and that’s all there is to it. However, today the Little Seamstress could not find the keys because the snake bit her. Therefore, Luo has to return to his parents’ house without his keys and it is very ironic.
48. When Luo leaves to tend to his mother, he entrusts the narrator to take care of the Little Seamstress. How does the narrator conceive of his role of caretaker? Analyze how he becomes a character like the ones in the books he has been reading.
The narrator was surprised and flattered by his request, and promised to do as he instructed because the narrator thinks that the request is the evidence of his trust in the narrator. He tries to help the Little Seamstress and takes care of her as if he is an undercover agent bravely with a sense of responsibility.
49. What function does the narrator play in the Little Seamstress’ world? Why is he tormented by the local city youth? What is his response to their attack when he is alone and what part does the Little Seamstress play?The narrator was a story teller, cook, laundryman, and manicurist. He was tormented by the local city youth because they feel jealous of the narrator who is close to the Little Seamstress. When he is attacked by them he could not respond anything to them. However, the Little Seamstress could not even recognize that the narrator hurt his left ear because of the local city youth.

Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress Reading Questions(6)

P. 109-130

39. What themes in the Western books most captured the boys’ attention? How did these open up a new world to them?
The mystery of the outside world, especially the world of women, love and sex as revealed in the Western books most captured the boys’ attention. The boys became to know more about things relates to a new world such as Western countries. Everything in the books was strange and interesting to them.
40. The narrator recounts that Romain Rolland’s Jean-Christophe captured his attention more than any other. What theme from the novel attracted the narrator? Why would this theme be such a revolutionary idea?
Jean-Christophe’s fierce individualism utterly untainted by malice captured the narrator’s attention. It is a revolutionary idea because China was a strongly communist society so individualism was completely eliminated at that time. The narrator states that his poor educated and re-educated brains bad been incapable of grasping the notion o one man standing up against the whole world. In communist society, individuals can not against the whole world. And if you do, you are executed. Therefore, this theme was one of thoroughly forbidden themes.
41. Analyze the importance of Luo’s adventures to the Little Seamstress. What does a red-beaked raven have to do with his journey?
Luo really wants to go to the Little Seamstress even though it is hard to him to cross the ridge since he has a dread of heights. It shows us that how Luo wants to see and read books to the Little Seamstress because he tries to master his fear for the Little Seamstress.
42. Analyze the meaning behind the narrator’s dream. What does it portent about the future of Luo and the Little Seamstress?
In my opinion, it is an ominous dream of Luo and the Little Seamstress’ future. Because the Little Seamstress hair wasn’t tied back into her usual long, thick pigtail, and as she ran, her hair floated out over her shoulders like wings. It means that she has been changed. Also, I think that the simile, wings expresses the appearance of week and thin girl. Besides, the Little Seamstress died but Luo could not help her not to fall over the side. I think love of Luo and the Little Seamstress would end would end sadly.
43. What does the village headman ask Luo to do when he returns to the village? What does this say about the rules of the Cultural Revolution and the knowledge that is banned?
The village headman asks Luo to fix his tooth when he returns to the village. It says about the rules of the Cultural Revolution that patients could not complain to the revolutionary doctors because the village headman could not even complain to the revolutionary doctor who pulled out a good tooth and left the bad one even though he is really painful. Also, it says about the western knowledge that is banned.
44. The Little Seamstress’ father stays with Luo and the narrator when he visits the village. What is the reason for his choice of accommodations and what surprising thing does the narrator do for him?
The Little Seamstress’ father wants them to tell stories and it was the reason for his choice of accommodation. So the narrator takes on the role of bedtime story teller. He tells the story about a French sailor to the tailor.
45. When the village headman overhears the narrator telling the tale of the Count of Monte Cristo, he barges into the boys home. Why does he protest against the story? What does he insist that the narrator do? What is the narrator’s response? What is the village headman’s only alternative?
The village headman protests against the story because he thinks that the narrator has been spreading reactionary trash and the count in the narrator’s story is Chinese who reacts to communism. He strongly insists that the narrator tells the reactionary story so the narrator says that it is not but he did not believe the narrator. The village headman said that if Luo can cure his tooth, he’ll leave his friend here alone. If not, he’ll march him straight to the Security Office and report him for spreading reactionary filth.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress Reading Questions(5)

p. 80-105
28. Describe the setting of Yong Jing. What elements of city life are there?
According to Luo, “Yong Jing is so small that when the local canteen prepared a dish of beef and onions the smell reached the nose of every single inhabitant.” In addition, the narrator states about the elements of city life, “the town wasn’t much more than a single high street about two hundred metres long; with a post office, town hall, general store, library and school. There was also a restaurant attached to the hotel, which had a dozen rooms. At the far end of the town, halfway up a hill, was the district hospital.”
29. Who is the woman that has come to Phoenix Mountain to claim her son? Why does the narrator tell her his name is Luo? What does she mean when she states, “Right now, ignorance is in fashion, but one day the need for good doctors will be recognized one more.”(86)
Four Eyes mother has come to Phoenix Mountain to claim her son, Four Eyes. In my opinion, when she states the quotation, she means that the social situation right now is not good for Luo’s father who became the class enemy but there would be someday that good doctors are needed. She is trying to comfort Luo, who is in fact the narrator.
30. Whose idea is it to steal Four Eyes’ books? Why is this an interesting development?
To steal Four Eyes’ books was the Little Seamstress’ idea. It is an interesting development because the Little Seamstress was only a girl at the countryside who does not even graduate from elementary school but she is willing to read books and wanting to know more about the western society. She seems like awakening as an influence of both Luo and the narrator.
31. Why was the buffalo for the farewell feast pushed off the side of the mountain?
The headman did it to congulatulate Four Eyes’ release from re-educating because the headman kind of likes Four Eyes’ mother.
32. At the buffalo’s “execution,” Four Eyes and the head master collect the blood in bamboo leaves in order to drink it. It is explained to Luo by a villager that “It(blood) is a remedy against cowardice. To gain courage, you must swallow it when it’s still lukewarm and frothy. Shortly thereafter, the narrator wonders hw Four Eyes’ mother would feel about the blood drinking tradition. Analyze the importance of this moment in relation to Four Eyes’ character and his reeducation. Has reeducation worked?
I think his desire to gain courage leads him to drink the blood. In my opinion, reeducation has worked because he has been changed. If he was not sent to be reeducated, he could not even think of drinking the buffalo’s blood to get courage.
33. Contrast the function of the 5 sorceresses at Four Eyes feast to their appearance at Luo’s bedside at the Little Seamstress. What appears to be their function in the story?
At Four Eyes feast there was not just the one sorceress with a bow and arrow and all of them had it. I think their function is to get rid of bad things by performing their own ceremony.
34. When Luo, the narrator, and the Little Seamstress find the suitcase full of books, the narrator states, “Brushing them with the tips of my fingers made me fell as if my pale hands were in touch with human lives”(99). Why would these books have such a profound effect on him? Why does he also express anger at being denied such books?
These books have such a profound effect on him because he really wants to read these books even though they are forbidden. And he expresses anger being denied such books because he got angry at those people who made these western books forbidden.
35. What is the dilemma the boys face in actually taking the books? What are the potential outcomes of the books disappearance?
The narrator does not want to take all of the books because he is worried about that if Four Eyes informs the situation. But Luo wants to read all of them. Eventually, they take the suitcase with all the books in it. If books are disappeared, Four Eyes might inform it and then they would be in trouble because it is the forbidden books.
36. What purpose does Luo see in taking the books?
Luo wants to teach the Little Seamstress, so that he wants her to live not just like a simple mountain girl.
37. With the admittance by Four Eyes that he never considered the narrator and Luo friends, are the boys justified in taking the books?
No. They just do what they want to. There is nothing important than the books to them at that time.
38. What is the irony in the buffalo tail Four Eyes packs in the suitcase?
According to the narrator, “The tail was exceptionally long, and no doubt once belonged to the unfortunate buffalo responsible for breaking Four Eyes’ glasses.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Reflection on the Movie and the Book: Balzac and the Little Seamstress

Both the movie and the book, Balzac and the Little Seamstress, are really impressive in their own ways. When I read the book, it was good to imagine the outlooks of the characters, the situations and the background. I felt more creative while I read the book. And in my opinion, book was more describtive so I could be aware of the situations and events more.
However, when I watched the movie, it was very interesting to watch how the actors and actress are acting the characters in their interpretations. Also, to watch the scenes in specific places with the characters was helpful to understand the story. But the movie's story was slightly different from the book. So, I was kind of confused. Especially, the concluding part was very different becuase the story which is happening in the future was added in the movie. I think it is a good idea to show the audience Ma and Luo's future. However, I strongly believe that if the movie was made based on the book, the movie should not change the sotry.
Overall, both of movie and the book are well made and well written. But I like the book version better because I like to imaginate while I read the book. I do not want to limit myself watching the movies.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress Reading Questions(3)

p. 45-61

Myopia-cannot be found-hypermetropia
Redolent-reminiscent-cannot be found

16. Describe Four-Eyes. Where does he live, what is his background, and what is his personality?
He lives at the lower slope of Phoenix Mountain. He is also from the bourgeoisie. His father is the narrator, and his mother is the poet. His parents were disgraced so he had to be sent to be re educated. He lives in perpetual fear because he is worried about going back home. He knows that if the peasants do not think that he does a good work, then he cannot go back home.
17. What happened to all of the Western Literature in China at the advent of the Cultural Revolution? Why would such books be banned and why do they hold such a mystique for Luo and the Narrator?
All of western literature was banned in China except for Mao’s book as part of the communist reeducation. The banned books hold such a mystique because the books were forbidden and also they wanted to know more about western culture.
18. How is the breaking of Four -Eyes glasses symbolic of his state of being on the mountain? How do the boys use this to their advantage?
Without his glasses, he would not be able to work and therefore might not be able to go home. The breaking of his glasses is symbolic of his state of being because he feels very lost when his glasses are broken. So Luo and the narrator helped four-eyes and he lent them a book.
19. Why does the narrator feel a pang of jealousy when Luo goes to tell the Little Seamstress to Balzac story? How does this tie into the themes that are in the book and new awakening he is feeling?
He is jealous because he likes the seamstress which is a sign of his development into adulthood that is a theme in the novel. The new awakenings that he is feeling are desire, passion and love which are all not in line with the communist ideology.
20. Where does the narrator copy passages form Balzac’s book? Why is this placement symbolic to his situation? Is there a blending here of the old world and the new? Why does the narrator feel such a strong connection to the Balzac story?
The narrator copies passages on the sheepskin coat. He writes it on the inside of the sheepskin coat because he has to hide it from everyone which is symbolic of his lack of freedom. The story “Ursule Mirout” has elements of both the new world and the old world. In terms of the new word, it is a strongly about lifestyle of the upper class in France. In terms of the old world, the story has a theme of money and the parts about magnetism and somnambulism.
21. What occurs at the end of the chapter between Luo and the Little Seamstress? How is the literature responsible for their actions? Can literature be dangerous?
They made love. The literature has themes of love, desire and passion, so these themes combined with their repression may have started their actions. Sometimes, some books have themes and ideas that can strongly influence the readers. I think that the characters in the story due to their repressed situation may have been more easily influenced.