Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Grammar and Usage Practice

1. Participle
When Mr. Niu who killede Youqing visited his grave, Jiazhen roared crying loudly with anger.
2. Absolute
Fugui was sitting in front of the gambling table, arm shaken, eyes closed.
3. Adjectives Shifted Out of Order
The daugther tried to wear the hat after she met Erxi in front of the mirror on the wall not moved and stucked.
4. Action Verbs
When the nurse shouts out that Fengxia is bleeding badly, Fugui and his wife rush into the room immediately.
5. Appositive
Mr. Niu, Fugui’s neighbor and a local town leader, is Fugui’s good friend and heps him in many ways.
6. Method for Painting Characters
1. By describing an action of the character: Yoouqing watched the shadow puppets which his father played.
2. By sharing specific speech of the character: “You owe me a life!”
3. By reporting what other characters say about the characters: Jiazhen said to her grandson, a little bun, “Such a good little boy.”
4. By explaining the traits and motives of the character: Youqing likes dumplings and meats.

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