Wednesday, September 10, 2008


1. The word and its part of speech: systematic (adjective)
2. Other forms of the word:
a) system
b) systematically
c) systematize
3. Definition:
a) having, showing, or involving a system, method, or plan: a systematic course of reading; systematic efforts.
b) given to or using a system or method; methodical: a systematic person.
c) arranged in or comprising an ordered system: systematic theology.
d) concerned with classification: systematic botany.
e) pertaining to, based on, or in accordance with a system of classification: the systematic names of plants.
4. An example sentence using the word or a form of the word:
-She disposed of the matter systemically.
5. A picture which relates to the word and/or complements understanding of the word:

Books are arranged systematically.


1. The word and its part of speech: selective (adjective)
2. Other forms of the word:
a) select
b) selectively
c) selectiveness
3. Definition:
a) having the function or power of selecting; making a selection.
b) characterized by selection, esp. fastidious selection.
c) of or pertaining to selection.
d) Electricity, Radio. having good selectivity.
4. An example sentence using the word or a form of the word:
-Businesses should be very selective about people who they give credit to and how much credit they give.
5. A picture which relates to the word and/or complements understanding of the word:


1. The word and its part of speech: punctilious (adjective)
2. Other forms of the word:
a) punctiliously
b) punctiliousness
3. Definition:
a) extremely attentive to punctilios; strict or exact in the observance of the formalities or amenities of conduct or actions
4. An example sentence using the word or a form of the word:
- He is very punctilious in writing a lab report.
5. A picture which relates to the word and/or complements understanding of the word:

A punctilious ballerina

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


1. The word and its part of speech: prudent (adjective)
2. Other forms of the word:
a) prudence
b) prudently
3. Definition:
a) wise or judicious in practical affairs; sagacious; discreet or circumspect; sober.
b) careful in providing for the future; provident: a prudent decision.
4. An example sentence using the word or a form of the word:
- I respect her because she has a prudent attitude.
5. A picture which relates to the word and/or complements understanding of the word:


1. The word and its part of speech: minutiae (noun)
2. Other forms of the word:
a) minute
b) minutely
3. Definition:
a) precise details; small or trifling matters: the minutiae of his craft.
4. An example sentence using the word or a form of the word:
- He cares about minutiae when he makes an experiment.
5. A picture which relates to the word and/or complements understanding of the word:

Monday, September 8, 2008


1. The word and its part of speech: meticulous (adjective)
2. Other forms of the word:
a) meticulously
b) meticulousness
3. Definition:
a) taking or showing extreme care about minute details; precise; thorough: a meticulous craftsman; meticulous personal appearance.
4. An example sentence using the word or a form of the word:
- He is too meticulous in everything.
5. A picture which relates to the word and/or complements understanding of the word:


1. The word and its part of speech: judicious (adjective)
2. Other forms of the word:
a) judiciously
b) judiciousness
3. Definition:
a) using or showing judgment as to action or practical expediency; discreet, prudent, or politic: judicious use of one's money.
b) having, exercising, or characterized by good or discriminating judgment; wise, sensible, or well-advised: a judicious selection of documents.
4. An example sentence using the word or a form of the word:
- Judicious leaders make good decisions for team members.
5. A picture which relates to the word and/or complements understanding of the word:


1. The word and its part of speech: foresight (noun)
2. Other forms of the word:
a) foresee
b) foresighted
c) foresightedly
d) foresightedness
e) foresightful
3. Definition:
a) care or provision for the future; provident care; prudence.
b) the act or power of foreseeing; prevision; prescience.
c) an act of looking forward.
d) knowledge or insight gained by or as by looking forward; a view of the future.
4. An example sentence using the word or a form of the word:
- He had the foresight to invest his money wisely.
5. A picture which relates to the word and/or complements understanding of the word:

Honda Foresight 250 2002


1. The word and its part of speech: fastidious (adjective)
2. Other forms of the word:
a) fastidiously
b) fastidiousness
3. Definition:
a) excessively particular, critical, or demanding; hard to please: a fastidious eater.
b) requiring or characterized by excessive care or delicacy; painstaking.
4. An example sentence using the word or a form of the word:
- She is fastidious about her food so she never eat junk food for her health.
5. A picture which relates to the word and/or complements understanding of the word:


1. The word and its part of speech: diligence (noun)
2. Other forms of the word:
a) diligent
b) diligently
3. Definition:
a) constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken; persistent exertion of body or mind.
4. An example sentence using the word or a form of the word:
-The teacher rewarded Tom for his diligence.
5. A picture which relates to the word and/or complements understanding of the word:

What is Filial Piety?

“In Confucian Thought, one of the virtues to be cultivated, a love and respect for one’s parents and ancestors.” This is the meaning of Filial piety in a dictionary. Since filial piety came from Confucian philosophy, it was an important value in Asian society from ancient times. Filial piety is the basic virtue. Korean society also has been keeping the virtue. There is a Korean proverb: “If you tend your parents with filial piety, you could see the rock with the grass.” It means a miracle could be happened if heaven was impressed by your filial piety for parents.
I was educated about filial piety and I think it is an important value to me. In Korea, students learn about some virtues through the subject which is called Morality. Students should know about filial piety because it is the important part of the class. Moreover, I could learn about it substantially watching how my parents are respecting for their parents.